
  • Country
    • Afghanistan
    • Angola
    • Bangladesh
    • Benin
    • Bhutan
    • Bolivia
    • Botswana
    • Burkina Faso
    • Burundi
    • Brunei Darussalam
    • Cambodia
    • Cameroon
    • Cape Verde
    • Central African Republic
    • Chad
    • China
    • Colombia
    • Comoros Islands
    • Côte d'Ivoire
    • Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Djibouti
    • Eastern Caribbean
    • Egypt
    • Equatorial Guinea
    • Ethiopia
    • Eritrea
    • Eswatini
    • Federated States of Micronesia
    • FIji
    • Gabon
    • The Gambia
    • Ghana
    • Guinea
    • Guinée-Bissau
    • Haiti
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Jamaica
    • Kenya
    • Kiribati
    • Lao PDR
    • Lesotho
    • Liberia
    • Madagascar
    • Malaysia
    • Malawi
    • Maldives
    • Malaysia
    • Mali
    • Mauritania
    • Mexico
    • Mozambique
    • Myanmar
    • Nepal
    • Niger
    • Pakistan
    • Papua New Guinea
    • The Philippines
    • Republic of the Marshall Islands
    • Rwanda
    • Samoa
    • Sao Tome and Principe
    • Senegal
    • Sierra Leone
    • Singapore
    • Solomon Islands
    • Somalia
    • South Africa
    • Sudan
    • Tanzania
    • Thailand
    • Timor Leste
    • Togo
    • Tonga
    • Tunisia
    • Tuvalu
    • Uganda
    • United States of America
    • Vanuatu
    • Viet Nam
    • Yemen
    • Zambia
    • Zimbabwe
  • Language
    • English
    • Arabic
    • Chinese
    • French
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Swahili
  • Topic
    • #BankTheYouth
    • Blended Finance
    • CILRIF
    • Corporate
    • Country Expansion
    • COVID-19
    • Decent Jobs for Youth
    • Digital Payments
    • Doha Programme of Action
    • Dual Key System
    • Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth
    • Exchange-Traded Fund SDGA
    • Executive Board
    • Financial Health
    • Financial Inclusion
    • Financial Inclusion and Innovation
    • Food Security and Nutrition
    • Goodwill Ambassador
    • Goodwill Ambassador for Gender Equality in Access to Finance
    • Green Economy
    • Inclusive Digital Economy
    • Infrastructure and Services
    • LDC 5
    • Local Transformative Finance
    • Singapore Fintech Festival
    • Strategic Framework
    • Transboundary Water Cooperation
    • UN75
    • Water Action Agenda
  • Programme
    • Action, changement et transformation par l’inclusion financière (ACTIF)
    • Appui a la Gestion et a la Redevance des Redevances Minieres (AGREM)
    • Better Than Cash Alliance
    • Blue Peace
    • Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities (GrEEn)
    • CleanStart
    • Country Investment Facility (CIF)
    • Country Investment Facility in Guinée
    • CookFund
    • Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)
    • DFS4WHAT
    • Digital Finance For Resilience (DF4R)
    • EUTF Niger
    • EU Trust Fund for Africa
    • Expanding Financial Access & Digital Financial Literacy
    • Finance for Food (F4F)
    • Fintech Innovation Hub
    • Food Security and Agriculture Value Chain
    • Global Dialogue on Digital Finance
    • Governance for Inclusive Development (GIDP)
    • IncluCity
    • Inclusive and Equitable Local Development (IELD)
    • Inclusive Digital Economies Scorecard
    • International Training Programme
    • Jobs, Skills and Finance for Women and Youth
    • Joint Programme on Local Governance and Service Delivery
    • Kigoma Joint Programme: Scaling Up Access to Finance
    • Local Cross Border Initiative (LoBI)
    • Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL)
    • Local Finance Initiative (LFI)
    • Making Access Possible (MAP)
    • Municipal Investment Finance (MIF)
    • MicroLead
    • Mobile Money for the Poor (MM4P)
    • National Private Sector Financing Strategy in Nepal
    • Financial Innovation Lab
    • Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme (PFIP)
    • Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme
    • PoWER
    • Public Finance for SDGs Acceleration & Leveraging Resources Nepal
    • Shaping Inclusive Finance Transformations (SHIFT)
    • Spotlight Initiative
    • UNITLife
    • Unlocking Cambodian Women's Potential through Fiscal Space Creation
    • WFP Social Transfers Digitization Project in Niger
    • Women’s Economic and Financial Inclusion Project (WEFIP)
    • YouthStart
  • Year
    • 2023
    • 2022
    • 2021
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2018
    • 2017
    • 2016
    • 2015
    • 2014
    • 2013
    • 2012
    • 2011
    • 2010
    • 2009
    • 2008
    • 2007
    • 2006
    • 2005
    • 2004
    • 2003
    • 2002
    • 2001
    • 2000
    • 1999
    • 1997
    • 1996
    • 1995
    • 1994
    • 1993
    • 1985
    • 1984
    • 1983
    • 1982
    • 1981
    • 1965
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