European Union (EU)


At the local level, local governments and local communities are both partners and beneficiaries of LoCAL. They directly lead or contribute to key steps of the process through participatory planning and mainstreaming, and implementation and oversight of adaptation measures and investments. They benefit from capacity building through on-the-job learning, access to technical support and guidance for long-term institutional strengthening.

At the national level, LoCAL generally works with central ministries in charge of decentralization, climate change, planning and finance, and in-country development partners. Central ministries coordinate country efforts, support local governments through strategic guidance and services, and are leading the preparation for expansion and national roll-out of LoCAL in Phases II and III. In-country development partners, which vary from country to country, provide technical and financial support.

LoCAL has developed a special partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in Cambodia, with the European Union's Global Climate Change Alliance (EU GCCA) in Bangladesh, with the EU in Bhutan, with the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and with the Belgian Development Cooperation in Mozambique.

At the global level, LoCAL is financed by the EU GCCA, Sida, the Government of Liechtenstein, and the government of Andorra.

UNCDF has also developed partnerships at global and regional levels with the World Resource Institute (WRI), the Korean Environment Institute (KEI) and the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI).

What partners are saying about us:

"In the world’s least-developed countries, local authorities understand the best way to help communities to adapt to the effects of climate change. They know where they need to invest, but they often lack the resources to do so. The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility is supporting a number of different countries by financing local climate change adaptation measures. As well as providing grants and technical assistance, LoCAL increases awareness and ensures that climate change is mainstreamed in local authority planning."

European Union Climate Funding For Developing Countries.

Download the European Union Climate Funding For Developing Countries Publication: in english / in french)

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A global standard for local governments

The LoCAL facility provides technical assistance and tools for the LDCs to access global climate funds.

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